European Union Program at Princeton


Photos by Sophie Meunier

About the EU Program at Princeton

The EU Program at Princeton, supported by a grant from PIIRS, sponsors events and activities at Princeton University relating to the European Union and European politics generally. These include an active seminar series, an annual research workshop, policy meetings, public commentary, visiting fellows, graduate and undergraduate student activities, a Senior Thesis prize, and formal partnerships with Humboldt University, Sciences Po, and the University of Geneva.

Founded in 2004, the program is directed by Andrew Moravcsik and Sophie Meunier. The EU Program welcomes proposals for collaboration from students, scholars and fellows. Our explicit goal is to serve as the center of a university-wide network in EU studies and to that end, we aim to organize 100% of our activities in co-sponsorship and collaboration with other Princeton University programs and regional affiliates.

Upcoming Events

Central Europe’s Transition-related Democracy Deficit
Thu, Oct 10, 2024, 4:30 pm6:00 pm
A71 Louis A. Simpson
The challenges facing France
Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 4:30 pm6:00 pm
Louis A. Simpson International Building A 71
Roundtable on the 2024 European Elections
Wed, Oct 30, 2024, 12:00 pm1:30 pm
Louis A. Simpson International Building A71