Ryan Dukeman

Former EU Program Affiliates
Undergraduate '17

Ryan Dukeman is a member of Princeton’s Class of 2017 and a prospective concentrator in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, focusing on ‘history and public policy,’ with minors in French Language & Culture and American Studies. Originally from Westwood, MA, he is an alumnus of the Roxbury Latin School in Boston, MA. At Princeton, he serves as Director of Program for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, is a member of the Princeton Debate Panel and the Princeton Model United Nations Team, writes a bi-weekly opinion column for the "Daily Princetonian," and works for the Orange Key Tour Service and the Rare Books and Special Collections Library. He is an Undergraduate Fellow in the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, and has published historical research on a Gold Rush race war. Having lived in France and Italy, he has long been interested in the politics and history of the EU and its member states, and is excited to be affiliated with the EU Program at Princeton.