Policy Analysis and Opinion on Europe by EU Program Affiliates

Jan-Werner Mueller: “Confronting the Pandemic’s Toxic Political Legacy”, Project Syndicate, 27 January 2025
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Outrage: Donald Trump’s Arctic expansions”, Architectural Review, 20 January 2025
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Everyone has their reasons”, London Review of Books, 17 January 2025
Sophie Meunier: “Will Europe Follow in the U.S.’s Footsteps in Controlling Outbound Investment?”, SPIA In the News, 14 January 2025
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Destruction Through Inclusion”, The New York Review, 19 December 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: “When the Left goes far-right”, Project Syndicate, 4 November 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Germany’s hard-right architecture”, The New Statesman, 31 August 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: ‘Make Europe Great Again’, The New York Review, 20 August 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Populism's Lost Summer”, Project Syndicate, 16 August 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: “Why Macronism Failed”, Project Syndicate, 1 July 2024
Sophie Meunier: “Here’s what to watch in France’s snap elections”, Good Authority, 29 June 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Enduring Influence of Europe's Far Right", Project Syndicate, 7 June 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Is ‘the Media’ Really Under Attack?", Foreign Policy, 3 May 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Zombification of Political Parties", Project Syndicate, 15 March 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Trump’s love for Viktor Orbán hints at what another Trump term will look like", The Guardian, 12 March 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Protest Problems", London Review of Books, 46(3), 8 February 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Case for Banning Anti-Democratic Candidates", Project Syndicate, 1 February 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Charismatic leaders plus hollowed-out parties are a bad recipe for democracy", The Financial Times, 19 January 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Liberalism's Forever Crisis", Project Syndicate, 5 January 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Is Europe Broken?", Project Syndicate, 20 December 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Poland after PiS", London Review of Books, 16 November 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Media Mogul on a Mission", The Dial, 7 November 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Mainstreaming the Far Right", Project Syndicate, 29 October 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "How the European Project Fell Apart", Foreign Policy, 29 October 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Book Review: The Great Turn Inward", Foreign Policy, 1 October 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Democracies are not "backsliding"", Project Syndicate, 27 September 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Siren Song of Climate Authoritarianism", Project Syndicate, 14 September 2023
Sophie Meunier and Matthias Matthijs: "Europe's Geoeconomic Revolution: How the EU Learned to Wield its Real Power", Foreign Affairs, September/October 2023
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Putins Helfer", Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 25 November 2022
Jan-Werner Mueller: "United Europe?", The London Review of Books, 3 November 2022
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Germany Inc. Jan-Werner Müller on Europe after the invasion", The London Review of Books, 26 May 2022
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The American right is whitewashing Hungary’s nasty, autocratic regime", The Guardian, 24 May 2022
Sophie Meunier: "Macron won in France — but Le Pen came closer than before", The Washington Post, 25 April 2022
Jan-Werner Mueller: "How autocrats endure", Foreign Affairs, 19 April 2022
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The treason of the conservatives", Project Syndicate, 13 April 2022
Harold James: "Europe's Moral Obligation to Boycott Russian Energy", Project Syndicate, 23 March 2022
Sophie Meunier: "Macron is likely to win the French presidency, in part thanks to Putin", The Washington Post, 6 March 2022
Harold James: "Gold fetishism has had its day", The Financial Times, 2 March 2022
Rafaela Dancygier: "Germany’s far-right party lost seats in last week’s election. Here’s why.", The Washington Post, 5 October 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Good and Bad in Germany's Election", Project Syndicate, 27 September 2021
Harold James: "Germany's Europeanized malaise", Project Syndicate, 27 September 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Trump may be gone, but Covid has not seen off populism", The Guardian, 20 September 2021
Sophie Meunier: "What’s the big ruckus over the new defense partnership with the U.K. and Australia?", The Washington Post, 17 September 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Prussian Disneyland", London Review of Books, 9 September 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Beyond the culture wars: Why democracies across the globe are in crisis", The New Statesman, 1 September 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Cash Rules: How we pay for democracy", The Nation, 11 August 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Did the pandemic draw us closer together – or pull us further apart?", The Guardian, 8 August 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "What's Behind the “Crisis of Democracy”?", Project Syndicate, 6 August 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Far Right’s New-Old War on Women", Project Syndicate, 3 August 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "What threatens press freedom today?" Project Syndicate, 3 May 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Blame Brussels", London Review of Books, April 21
Rafaela Dancygier: Research discussed in "Public housing recedes as left-wing priority as parties court affluent voters", Reece Wallace, Academic Times, 4 March 2021.
Andrew Moravcsik: "Why Europe wins", Foreign Policy, 24 September 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "One damn thing after another: The long roots of liberal democracy's crisis", The Nation, 18-25 May 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Where is the local news about COVID-19?", Project Syndicate, 29 April 2020
Ashoka Mody: PAW's Podcast Professor Ashoka Mody on COVID-19's impact on world economies , 16 April 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Beware viral enabling acts", Project Syndicate, 31 Mar 2020
Ashoka Mody: "Charting this crisis", Econbrowser, 26 March 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Why do rightwing populist leaders oppose experts?", The Guardian, 26 March 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "We must assist one another or die", The New York Times, 19 March 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Le Roi-Machine", London Review of Books, 19 March 2020
Ashoka Mody: "Italy will need a precautionary bailout", MarketWatch, 10 March 2020
Ashoka Mody: "Italy: The crisis that could go viral", 28 February 2020
Ashoka Mody: "The EU is in trouble and Ursula Von der Leyen is the wrong person to rescue it", The Spectator, 18 February 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Jeder will selbstbestimmt leben: Liberalismus ist kein Luxusartikel für urbane Eliten und Globalisierungsgewinner", Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 9 February 2020
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Wenn der Filter zur Mauer Wird", Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 19 December 2019
Ashoka Mody: "This could be Boris' 'Nixon goes to China' moment", The Spectator, December 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Mario Draghi and the grand folly of the eurozone", Spiked, 19 November 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Für einen neuen Liberalismus von unten", Die Welt, 9 November 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Kritik an der Demokratie: Examen, Lotto, Wahl", Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 22 October 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Two Catholicisms", The Nation, 8 October 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Draghi's Dangerous Farewell", Project Syndicate, 9 September 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Von der Furcht zum Kampfgeist", Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 26 August 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: ""Zwangsmaßnahmen für das höchste Gut?", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21 August 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Identitätspolitik im US-Wahlkampf", Der Tagesspiegel, 2 August 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Let's Choose the Best Person to Lead the IMF", Bloomberg, 22 July 2019
Sophie Meunier: Interview with Angellos Athanasopoulos on Chinese investment in Europe, To Vima, 30 June 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Was ist am Populismus so gefahrlich?", Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 11 June 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Theresa May heard but did not heed Brexit's call for a fairer Britain", 4 June 2019, Open Democracy
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Liberalismus: Die vielen Fallen des Populismus", Die Zeit, 2 June 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Populism and the People", London Review of Books, 23 May 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Greek Bonds Now Yield Less than Treasurys", MarketWatch, 9 May 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Europe Cannot Escape Nationalism", InsideOver, 2 May 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Populists Don't Lose Elections", The New York Times, 8 May 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "Is This Really How it Ends? Democracy's Midlife Crisis", The Nation, 22 April 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Pre-History of Post-Truth", Project Syndicate, 26 April 2019
Ashoka Mody: "The Eternally Optimistic IMF", Project Syndicate, 18 April 2019
Sophie Meunier: "The E.U. Will Start Screening Foreign Investment", Washington Post, 10 April 2019
Ashoka Mody: "The ECB has reached the end of its rope", Econbrowser, 13 March 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "What's Left of the Populist Left?", Project Syndicate, 21 February 2019
Jan-Werner Mueller: "False Flags: The Myth of Nationalist Resurgence", Foreign Affairs, March/April 2019
Ashoka Mody: "The ECB has reached its political limits. Its consequences in eight charts", Econbrowser, 1 February 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Germany is a diminished giant, and that spells trouble for Europe", MarketWatch, 29 January 2019
Ashoka Mody: “On the euro’s 20th birthday, Draghi’s tribute perpetuates long-refuted myths”, Econbrowser, 24 January 2019
Ashoka Mody: "The ECB’s performance during the crisis: Lessons learned", VOX, 14 January 2019
Ashoka Mody: "Britain has always felt awkward in the EU, so its exit is sure to be bitter and chaotic", Quartz, 21 December 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Reviving Civil Disobedience, Project Syndicate, 21 December 2018
Sophie Meunier: Yellow Vest Protestors Cause Chaos in France, WWS Reacts, 7 December 2018
Ashoka Mody: Germany's Economy Will Be Europe's Problem, Bloomberg, 7 December 2018
Ashoka Mody: Ignore the Brexit Scare Stories-They Have no Basis in Sound Economics, 6 December 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: What Cold War Liberalism Can Teach Us Today, 26 November 2018, New York Review of Books
Ashoka Mody: The Eurozone Is Having an Identity Crisis and Italy Will Bear the Brunt, Prospect, 16 November 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Why Freedom of Assembly Still Matters, Project Syndicate, 13 November 2018
Ashoka Mody: Fall of the eurozone’s saviours: Why Emmanuel Macron is following Matteo Renzi’s path to political oblivion, The Independent, 12 November 2018
Ashoka Mody: Angela Merkel's Tragedy, Project Syndicate, 2 November 2018
Ashoka Mody: Italy's Budget Isn't as Crazy as It Seems, Bloomberg, 26 October 2018
Ashoka Mody: The IMF Is Having a Groundhog Day Moment with its Economic Forecasts, MarketWatch, 21 October 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Der Arbeiter muss doch links wahlen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 29 September 2018
Ashoka Mody: The ECB’s bond-buying program was a flop, and that’s perilous for the eurozone, MarketWatch, 21 September 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Beschadigte Demokratie, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 September 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: What Happens When an Autocrat’s Conservative Enablers Finally Turn on Him? The Atlantic, 13 September 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Aus dem Zelt pissen, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 11 September 2018
Ashoka Mody: The IMF abetted the European Union's subversion of Greek Democracy, OpenDemocracy, 1 September 2018
Ashoka Mody and Rachel Lurie: Brexit is the consequence of low upward mobility, OpenDemocracy, 18 August 2018
Ashoka Mody: Brexit is a done deal—but the social and economic wounds that led to it have not been healed, Independent, 28 June 2018
Ashoka Mody: Italy must wake up, and fix its banks, Bloomberg View, August 16, 2018
Ashoka Mody: Italy should never have joined the euro, MarketWatch, 11 June 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Italy: The Bright Side of Populism? The New York Review of Books, 8 June 2018
Ashoka Mody: Italy's President Just Undermined the Euro, Bloomberg, 29 May 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Die Mär vom guten Populismus, Der Tagesspiegel, 20 May 2018
Tomasz Koncewicz: The Bialowieza case: A Tragedy in Six Acts, Verfassungsblog, 17 May 2018
Harold James: Ten Weimar Lessons, Project Syndicate, 2 May 2018
Ashoka Mody: The Myth of Franco-German Friendship, Vox, 25 April 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Democracy Still Matters, The New York Times, 5 April 2018
Tomasz Koncewicz: The Consensus fights back: European first principles against the Rule of Law crisis Part 1, and Part 2, Verfassungsblog, 5 April 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Der Buerger als Waffentraeger, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 22 March 2018
Ashoka Mody: The Euro Area's Deepening Political Divide, Vox, 21 March 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Europe Forgot what Conservative Means, Foreign Policy, 21 March 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Homo Orbanicus, The New York Review of Books, 5 April 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Das Elend der Christdemokraten, Der Spiegel, 7/2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: The People vs. Democracy? Project Syndicate, 6 March 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Is the World Getting Better or Worse? Financial Times, 15 February 2018
Tomasz Koncewicz: The Politics of Memory: Poland and Beyond, in The Jerusalem Post, 30 January 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Widerstand gegen Trump: Warum ziviler Ungehorsam in den USAso schwer geworden ist, in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 18 January 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: Can Movement Politics Renew European Democracy? in Project Syndicate, 3 January 2018
Jan-Werner Mueller: If You're Not a Democracy, You're Not European Anymore, Foreign Policy, 22 December 2017
Tomasz Koncewicz: A Constitution of Fear, Verfassungsblog, 16 November 2017
Tomasz Koncewicz: The Polish Crisis as a European Crisis: A Letter to Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, Verfassungsblog, 16 October 2017
Tomasz Koncewicz: Understanding the Politics of Resentment, Verfassungsblog, 28 September 2017
Harold James: Germany's Weimar Ghosts, Project Syndicate, 25 September 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Blaming the People: Is Democracy Really the Problem? The Nation, 9 October 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Was halt Demokratien zusammen? Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 26 August 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: How Populists Win When They Lose, Project Syndicate, 15 June 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Theresa May's Other Citizens of Nowhere, Project Syndicate, 9 June 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Constitutional Fantasy, London Review of Books, Vol. 39, No. 11, 1 June 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Hungary: The War on Education, New York Review of Books, 20 May 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Il est temps de faire reculer Viktor Orban, le pionnier du populisme, Le Temps, 11 April 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Viktor Orban is Europe's Enemy Within, Financial Times, 10 April 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Das Prinzip Verantwortungslosigkeit, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 13 February 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Populists Cannot Win on their Own, Financial Times, 8 February 2017
Ashoka Mody: The IMF Should Get out of Greece, Bloomberg, 3 February 2017
Ashoka Mody: Playing with Economic Matches, Project Syndicate, 30 January 2017
Ashoka Mody, Eilyn Yee Lin Chong, and Francisco Varela Sandoval: Finance and Growth: The Direction of Causality, Vox, 17 January 2017
Ashoka Mody: The economic consensus was horribly wrong and here are the real reasons Brexit is succeeding, The Independent, 5 January 2017
Jan-Werner Mueller: Hassverbrechen und Hassrede: Diskutieren im Freistil, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 17 December 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Capitalism in One Family, London Review of Books, 1 December 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Populismus in den USA: Trumps weisse identitare Bewegung, Der Tagesspiegel
Ashoka Mody: Unwinding of the Pound Carry Trade, Vox EU, 18 November 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Trumps Hasskampagne fiel auf fruchtbaren Boden, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 8 November 2016
Ashoka Mody: Europe after Merkel, Project Syndicate, 13 October 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Genuine Political Choice Serves as the Best Antidote to Populism, The Financial Times, 4 October 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Hungary's Refugee Referendum is a Referendum on Europe's Survival, Foreign Policy, 29 September 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Trump, Erdogan, Farrage: The Attractions of Populism for Politicians, the Dangers for Democracy, The Guardian, 2 September 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Populismus:eine Gefuhlssache? Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 18 August 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Austria: The Lesson of the Far Right, The New York Review of Books, 25 July 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Stammt der Liberalismus vom Christentum ab? Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 13 July 2016
Sophie Meunier: Is Europe Failing or Is It Failing Forward? The Washington Post, 5 July 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Europe's Sullen Child, London Review of Books, 2 June 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Woran man sie erkennen kann, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 6 May 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Behind the New German Right, New York Review of Books Daily, 14 April 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Angela Merkel's Misunderstood Christian Mission, Foreign Policy, 18 March 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: The Problem with Poland, New York Review of Books daily, 11 February 2016
Harold James: There Are Good Reasons Why Europe's Jews Are So Worried, Reuters, 11 February 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: Claims to Populism, Danger to Democracy? Public Seminar, 9 February 2016
Jan-Werner Mueller: "The Problem with "Illiberal Democracy", Project Syndicate, 21 January 2016
Harold James: "Can the UK Survive Brexit?", Project Syndicate, 5 January 2016
Sophie Meunier published the essay "A Tale of Two Ports: The Epic Story of Chinese Direct Investment in the Greek Port of Piraeus" in CritCom, 14 December 2015.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the interview "Populisten?" in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 15 November 2015.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Ein Geld, eine Grenze, einer Regierungsgewalt?" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 9 November 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the response "Orban's Rhetoric: An Exchange" in the New York Review of Books daily, 14 October 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Hungary: Sorry about our Prime Minister" in the New York Review of Books blog, 14 October 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "The turmoil of today's world: leading writers respond to the refugee crisis" in The Guardian, 12 September 2015
Kim Scheppele published the oped "Orban's Police State" in Politico, 14 September 2015.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Rule Breaking" in The London Review of Books, Vol. 37, No. 16, August 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "The Merkel Method: Germany and the Greek Crisis" in Foreign Affairs, 10 July 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Und wenn es Syriza gar nicht ums Gelt geht?" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 7 July 2015
Ashoka Mody published the essay "The Birth of European Macroeconomics" in Vox EU, 13 July 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "In Bad Faith" in Bruegel, 4 July 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "David Cameron and the EU's Waterloo" in Project Syndicate, 11 June 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "The IMF's Big Greek Mistake" in Bloomberg, 21 April 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the book review "On the Abolition of All Political Parties by Simone Weil", The Irish Times, 21 March 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Greece and the Andre Szasz Axiom" in Bruegel, 24 February 2015
Harold James published the oped "Playing Chicken with Democracy" in Project Syndicate, 16 February 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the book review "Demokratie und Meritokratie" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 11 February 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Obama Joins the Greek Chorus" in Project Syndicate, 5 February 2015
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Wir ohne die Anderen" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 28 January 2015
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Greece to the Eurozone's Rescue" in Bruegel online, 23 December 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the essay "Kohl’s Euro: We have the Chancellor’s word that he was pro-European and we have his gift, the euro" in the Handelsblatt, 19 December 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "The ECB's Balance Sheet --if Needed" in Bruegel online, 3 December 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europe's twin dangers: Normative disintegration, normative disengagement" in Eurozine, 14 November 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Fehler im Betriebssystem" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 4 November 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Are the Eurozone's fiscal rules dying?" in Bruegel, 28 October 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the review "Francis Fukuyama’s doubts about the route to the end of history: Political Order and Political Decay" in The Irish Times, 11 October 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Intellektuelle Kollateral-schaden im Kalten Krieg" in the Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 30 September 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Erdoğan and the Paradox of Populism" in Project Syndicate, 11 August 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Moscow's Trojan Horse: In Europe's Ideological War, Hungary Picks Putinism" in Foreign Affairs, 6 August 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Die Bilanz der Freiheit: Lisa Herzog plädiert für einen «komplexen» Liberalismus" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 5 August 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "In response: Aligning national interests in Europe's monetary union" in Bruegel, 1 July 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Europe has wasted a good crisis" in Bruegel, 27 June 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "The End of Christian Democracy: What the Movement's Decline Means for Europe" in Foreign Affairs, 15 July 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Italien braucht Hilfe" in the Handelsblatt, 21 May 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Die Konsensmaschine kommt auf Touren" in Jetzt.de Suedeutschezeitung, 21 May 2014.
Harold James published the oped "The Reconstruction of European Politics" in Project Syndicate on 15 May 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Karlsruhe hilft Europa" in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, 10 May 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europawahl: Ein Knicks vor dem Anti-Demokraten" in Die Zeit, 8 May 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller participated in the debate "Triomphe du populisme europeen?" in Le Monde, 3 May 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Orban's 'Personal Leadership'" in the London Review of Books, 16 April 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Europe’s Deepening Muddle" in Project Syndicate, 14 April 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Hungary's election offers some disturbing lessons for Europe" in The Guardian, 9 April 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Die Grenzen des Durchwurstelns" in the Neue Zuericher Zeitung, 8 April 2014.
Sophie Meunier was a guest on France Culture's show "Dimanche et apres" by Olivia Gesbert, "La Chine en visite commerciale...et apres?", 31 March 2014.
Jan-Werner Muller published the oped "The Commission gets the point --but not necessarily the instruments" in Verfassungsblog, 14 March 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Matteo Renzi Has to Break Italy from its Past" in The Guardian, 1 March 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europe als Hundetrainer" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 28 February 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Eastern Europe Goes South" in Foreign Affairs, March/April 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "The ECB's Bridge Too Far" in Project Syndicate, 11 February 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Europhoria Once Again" in The Bruegel Blog, 10 February 2014.
Harold James published the oped "History vs. Europe" in Project Syndicate, 4 February 2014.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "The ECB is much too stodgy" in Breaking Views, 29 January 2014.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Lies deine Feinde, lies sie genau", in Die Welt, 11 January 2014.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Clarity, Confidence Needed in France" in the New York Times' Room for Debate, 1 December 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Should extremist parties be banned?" in Project Syndicate, 1 November 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "How Europe could face its own shutdown" in The Guardian, 21 October 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Ein Liberalismus der Furcht" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 8 October 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "The Sleepwalking Giant: Germany's Boring Election is Bad News for Europe" in Foreign Affairs, 19 September 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Das Leiden ist real" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 24 July 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Latvia in the Eurozone: A Bet with No Upside" in Bruegel, 13 June 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Der Schriftsteller als Soziologe und die Wunschträume des Antipolitikers" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 12 June 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Germany Must Lead by Example on Fixing its Banks" in the Financial Times, 27 May 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Populism without the People" in Project Syndicate, 17 April 2013.
Harold James published the oped "Margaret Thatcher's Lessons for Europe" in Project Syndicate, 8 April 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europe's Political Stress Tests" in Project Syndicate, 4 April 2013.
Harold James published the oped "The Dirge of Cyprus" in Project Syndicate, 26 March 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Schluss mit schludrig" in Die Zeit, 21 March 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Rolling the Dice in Cyprus" in Project Syndicate, 21 March 2013.
Kim Lane Scheppele testified before Congress at the Helsinki Commission Hearing on "The Trajectory of Democracy --Why Hungary Matters" on 19 March 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Hungary's power-grab should make the EU rethink its role" in The Guardian, 11 March 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "A Rest Stop for Europe" in Project Syndicate, 5 March 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Wo Europa endet" in Suhrkamp, 18 February 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Promissory notes deal welcome but it's not enough" in The Irish Times, 13 February 2013.
Harold James was interviewed on CFO Insight, "The Euro is a great idea", 11 February 2013.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "EU Membership Shouldn't Be a la Carte" in The New York Times' Room for Debate, 28 January 2013.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Macht des Gemeinwesens: Das Unbehagen an der Demokratie" in the Tagesspiegel, 13 January 2013.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Greece's Bogus Debt Deal" in Project Syndicate, 12 December 2012.
Ashoka Mody published the oped "Time for euro zone to revisit debt default option" in The Irish Times, 14 November 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Der Preis einer 'Politischen Union" --und was sie Europa bringt" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 10-11 November 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Karriere und Gehalt eines problematischen Schlagwortes" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 10 November 2012.
Harold James published the oped "Myths about the birth of the euro" in Project Syndicate, 7 November 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "De "made in China" à "owned by China": L'Europe et les Etats-Unis face aux investissements directs chinois" in Le Huffington Post, 18 October 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Ressourcen der Macht" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 12 Ocotber 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the ssay "Europe's Perfect Storm: The Political and Economic Consequences of the Eurocrisis" in Dissent, Fall 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the interview "Dans la tête des Français face à la mondialisation : pourquoi le péril jaune a remplacé le bouc émissaire américain" on Atlantico.fr, 25 September 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Die EU als wehrhafte Demokratie?" in Europäische Rundschau, 3/12.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Il faut guerir les Francais de leur phobie de la mondialisation" in Les Echos, 21 September 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Germany seems serious about 'political union' in Europe – but would it work?" in The Guardian, 7 August 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Wer ist der Hüter der europäischen Demokratie?" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 25 July 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europe's democracy dilemma – how and when to step in?" in The Guardian, 19 July 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the book review "Die Geschichte nach ihrem Ende" in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 23 June 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Longing for Greater Hungary" in the London Review of Books, 21 June 2012.
Harold James published the oped "Shards of Europe" in Project Syndicate, 5 June 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Tiger parents: Is there something 'different' about Chinese FDI in the U.S. and Europe?" in The Huffington Post, 4 June 2012.
Sophie Meunier gave a briefing on Chinese investments and transatlantic relations at the European Parliament on 30 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Why foreign policy counted for zero in the French election" in The Huffington Post, 15 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier's research on Chinese investment was the topic of the article "Is U.S. economic patriotism hurting?" on Reuters, 15 May 2012.
Harold James published the oped "How Merkel learned to love power" in The New Republic, 15 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier was guest on NPR's Patt Morrison KPCC show on "French election results are in", 7 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "What Obama can learn from Sarkozy's defeat" in The Huffington Post, 7 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Ce qu'Obama peut apprendre de la defaite de Sarkozy" in Le Huffington Post, 6 May 2012.
David Bell published the essay "Midnight in Paris: The implosion of the French Right"in The New Republic, 4 May 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "European elections: the false promises of populism" in The Guardian, 4 May 2012.
Ezra Suleiman was interviewed by Le Figaro Magazine in "Les moeurs politiques francaises sont celles de l'esquive", 4 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier was guest on NPR Chicago WBEZ "Worldview with Jerome O'Donnell" about "The presidential election in France", 3 May 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Lessons from the French Presidential Campaign" on Al Jazeera English, 2 May 2012.
Harold James was guest on Australian TV ABC "The Business" with Ticky Fullerton, 26 April 2012.
Sophie Meunier was guest on NPR's Patt Morrison KPCC show on "What lessons can President Obama learn from the French election?", 24 April 2012.
Andrew Moravcsik published the essay "Europe after the crisis: How to sustain a common currency" in Foreign Affairs, May/June 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "Ce que les Americains peuvent apprendre de l'election francaise" in Le HuffPost, 23 April 2012.
Harold James published the oped "France and Frankfurt" on Project Syndicate, 23 April 2012.
Andrew Moravcsik published the oped "Europe after the Crisis" in The New York Times, 22 April 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Wir! Sind! das! Volk!" in Die Zeit, 19 April 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "The French Presidency Is a Bargain" in The Huffington Post, 19 April 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "The Failure of European Intellectuals" in Eurozine, 11 April 2012.
Sophie Meunier published the essay "The French Don't Know Their Place (in the Global Economy)" in ForeignAffairs.com, 3 April 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "Satan kam doch nicht bis Washington", Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 2 April 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "The Hungary question could strengthen the EU", The Guardian, 2 April 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "Liberaler Populismus?" in NZZ Online, 16 March 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "Erklaeren ist doch eine schoene Aufgabe" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 18 February 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the essay "What do Germans think when they think about Europe" in the Londron Review of Books, Vol. 34, No. 3, February 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "Nachhilfestunden in Demokratie: Wie Europa mit Ungarn umgehen sollte --umd wie nicht" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 26 January 2012.
Jan-Werner Mueller wrote the oped "Should Brussels resist Hungary's "Putinization"" on Opendemocracy, 31 December 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "A Shared Fate: The Political Implications of the Eurozone Crisis" in the Boston Review Online, 21 December 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Ist Ungarn noch demockratisch?" in Die Zeit Online, 12 December 2011.
Harold James published the oped "The British Non" on Project Syndicate, 11 December 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Europe's Other Crisis: Authoritarianism" on OpenDemocracy, 10 December 2011
Harold James published the oped "The Poetry of the Euro" on Project Syndicate, 5 December 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "The Forgotten Twentieth Century" on Project Syndicate, 29 November 2011.
Sophie Meunier wrote the opinion "The Pressure to Stay Together" in the New York Times' online Room for Debate, 27 November 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller gave the interview "Is Germany's future still European?" to Esprit, 22 November 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "What Does Germany Wants" on Project Syndicate, 4 November 2011.
Sophie Meunier published the oped "China as Savior or Predator in Europe?" in The Huffington Post, 3 November 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "The Language of Global Protest" on Project Syndicate, 24 October 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "The EU must create a mechanism to discipline or eject errant members" in The Guardian on 22 October 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the commentary "Liberalismus heute --gesicherte Freiheit statt markt mit Mitgefuhl" in Neue Zurcher Zeitung on 20 October 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller was interviewed in the Basler Zeitung on 10 October 2011 in "Es wird auf einen Ausgleich hinauslaufen".
Jan-Werner Mueller published the oped "Lehren aus Vichy und Weimar" in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung on 4 October 2011.
Jan-Werner Mueller published the essay "Getting a grip on populism" in Dissent, on 23 September 2011.
Sophie Meunier published an oped on the DSK affair and French anti-Americanism in The Huffington Post on 23 May 2011.
Sophie Meunier was interviewed on the PBS NewsHour with Gwen Ifill to talk about the DSK scandal's impact on French politics on May 16, 2011.
Andrew Moravcsik is interviewed in "Predictions of America's Demise as Superpower Are Greatly Exaggerated", Deutsche Welle, 18 January 2011.
Sophie Meunier published an oped on the French presidency of the G20 in The Huffington Post on 10 January 2011.
Andrew Moravcsik at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS)
Andrew Moravscik, "In Defense of Europe", Newsweek (30 May 2010)
Harold James, Discussion with Jean-Claude Juncker and Peer Steinbrueck, 15 February 2009.
"Pour Washington, l'Europe doit mettre sa maison en ordre'', Interview with Anne-Marie Slaughter, Le Monde, 6 November 2009.
Andrew Moravcsik, "Interview: Turkish Accession as Part of a Multi-Level Europe?" Republic (Athens, Greece, November 2008).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Another Angle: Few Voters Know or Care about the European Union," E! Sharp (September-October 2008).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Don't Know? Vote No!" Prospect (July 2008, London).
Sophie Meunier, "La Mondialisation n'aime pas les boycotts", in Telos, 14 May 2008.
Andrew Moravcsik "Washington Cries Wolf," Newsweek (International edition, 31 March 2008, Cover Story).
Sophie Meunier and Rawi Abdelal, "Mondialisation: La French Touch", in Telos, 12 October 2007.
Andrew Moravcsik, Contribution to the Symposium, "The Big Question: Left and Right Defined the 20th Century. What's Next?" Prospect (London, April 2007).
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Golden Moment: The EU at 50," Newsweek (Cover Story, International edition, 26 March 2007).
Andrew Moravcsik, "50 Jahre Römische Verträge: 'Europas Stärke ist zivil'," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (25 March 2007, Sunday edition).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Brüssel regiert nicht Deutschland,” Financial Times Deutschland (10 February 2007) (with Annette Elisabeth Töller).
Andrew Moravcsik, "No Power to the People," Newsweek (International edition, 5 February 2007).
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Die Schwierigkeiten des Erinnerns’, in: die tageszeitung, 20th November 2006; also as ‘Complexités de la mémoire’ in Commentaire, no. 117, Spring 2007.
Joschka Fischer, “Europe Crosses the Rubicon" (August 2006).
Joschka Fischer, "From War to Peace" (July 2006).
Joschka Fischer, “A Flat World and a Round Ball" (June 2006).
Joschka Fischer, "Iran: Last Exit for Diplomacy" (May 2006).
Robert Hutchings “ Europe between the Superpowers.” In Cold War Turning Points. Edited by Condoleezza Rice and Kiron Skinner. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2006.
Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis, "The EU as a conflicted trade power," Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13, No.6, September 2006.
Sophie Meunier , "L'Union fait la force: la politique commerciale commune a souvent beneficie a la France" Figaro Magazine, 28 January 2006.
Andrew Moravcsik, "Open the Doors," Newsweek (International edition, 2 October 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Se Evropa lahko upre vojaški skušnjavi?” Delo (Ljubjana, 6 September 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Why Europe should Dare to be Dull,” European Voice (14 June 2006).
Dutch: NRC Handelsblad (Amsterdam).
Reprinted in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Catalan, and Polish: www.cafebabel.com
Andrew Moravcsik, “Rumors of Europe’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated,” The Washington Note (8 June 2006).
Debate: Subsequent debate in Washington Note with Charles Kupchan.
Italian: “La Ue non è in declino Piace anche a Bush,” Corriere della Sera (16 giugno 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, "What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project?" Politische Viertelijahresschrift (June 2006).
-- For an on-going web symposium on this article, sponsored by the think-tank Notre Europe (Paris), including Giandomenico Majone, Pepper Culpepper, Archon Fong, James Fishkin, Loukas Tsoukalis, Paul Magnette, and others, click here.
Responses by Pepper Culpepper and Archon Fung, James Fishkin, Mark Franklin, Paul Magnette, Giandomenico Majone, Jeremy Rabkin and Loukas Tsoukalis, and Moravcsik's "Response to Eight Critics."
French Translation: "Que faut-il retenir de l’effondrement du Projet Constitutionnel Européen?"
Andrew Moravcsk, “The Constitution is Dead! Long Live the Constitution!” Europäische Rundschau (2006 Special edition).
German: “Die Verfassung ist tot! Es lebe die Verfassung!” Europäische Rundschau (1/2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Déjà vu all over Again: Countdown to War,” Newsweek (8 May 2006, International edition).
Andrew Moravcsik, “The Threat from Europe: Jeremy Rabkin’s Case for Sovereignty,” Prospect (London, April 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Es gibt keine Krise in der EU,” Die Kurier (Wien, 29 January 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Failing to Learn their Lessons: Rhetoric and Reality in the European Union," Financial Times (Special Section on the Future of Europe, 27 January 2006).
Andrew Moravcsik - Response: Kirsty Hughes, "The Debate about Europe's Future has Got to Make the Issue of Democracy Striking and Understandable," Financial Times (31 January 2006).
Jan-Werner Muller, Fin de la constitution, fin du patriotisme constitutionnel? Repenser l’Europe pendant “la pause,”’Esprit, February 2006.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘L’Allemagne entre patriotisme constitutionnel et Leitkultur, ’ La Vie des Idées, February 2006.
Christina Davis, "Why these Trade Talks Need to Fail," International Herald Tribune (7 December 2005).
G. John Ikenberry, "A Weaker World," Prospect (November 2005).
Sophie Meunier, "Weakness as Power: France, Europe, and the WTO Negotiations" EuroFuture, Winter 2005.
Sophie Meunier, "Paris et l'OMC: l'art de negocier en position de faiblesse" Le Monde, 1 November 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Letter in The New York Times in response to Paul Krugman's opinion on France, August 1, 2005.
Sophie Meunier, "Desarmer l'antiamericanisme" Le Figaro, 22 February 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Interview on Bloomberg TV France on the WTO Hong Kong negotiations, 19 December 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Interview on France Culture Radio for the book-of-the-week, 18 December 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Interview in Arte Reportage on the EU Constitution viewed from the US, broadcast on Arte and TV5 May 25, 2005.
Sophie Meunier, "Anti-Americanisms in France." CES Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV, Nos 3/4, January 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Cited in Le Figaro, "Humanitaire...," 28 December 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Cited in Daniele Castellani Perelli, "Europa a colloquio con alcuni esperti di politica dell'unione" in Europa, sabato 17 dicembre 2005.
Sophie Meunier, Cited in Erdal Safak, "The Ranch is waiting for a guest," Turkishpress.com, 23 February 2005.
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe Will Get It Right," Newsweek (International edition, 26 December 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Future of the Constitutional Process of the European Union," Report to European Parliament Symposium (13-14 October 2005) (with Kalypso Nicolaidis).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Dog and Tony Show," Newsweek (International edition, 7 November 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Brussels Diary: An End to Constitutional Confusion," Prospect (October 2005, 10th Anniversary Special Issue).
Andrew Moravcsik, "World View: The Wonderful World of Oz," Newsweek (International edition, 19 September 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, “Für ein Europa ohne Illusionen,” Süddeutsche Zeitung (14 July 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe without Illusions," Prospect (July 2005) (cover article with commentary by Larry Siedentop, Gisela Stuart, John Kay, Sunder Katwala, Charles Grant, Michael Maclay, Philippe Legrain).
Andrew Moravcsik, "A Too Perfect Union? Why Europe Said 'No,'" Current History(November 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, “La ricetta per l’Ue? Abbandonare le grandi illusioni,” Corriere della Sera (venerdì, 17 giugno 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe Works Well Without the Grand Illusions," Financial Times (13 June 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Time Has Come for Politicians to Offer a Serious Mea Culpa," Ta Nea (Athens, 4 June 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europa takelt niet af, maar is juist stabiel," NRC Handelsblad (Amsterdam, 3 June 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "How to Fix Europe's Image Problem," Foreign Policy (May-June 2005). (with Kalypso Nicolaïdis)
Bulgarian Translation: “How to Fix Europe's Image Problem,” FP Bulgaria (June-July 2005)
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Politics of Plebiscites," Newsweek (International edition, 9 May 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "An Ocean Apart,” The American Prospect (March 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Don't Sweat the Big Stuff," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 10 January 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "EU Got that Thing," The American Prospect (January 2005).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Dream on America," Newsweek (Cover Story, 31 January 2005, International edition).
Letters from readers of "Dream on America" (forthcoming in Newsweek's "Mail Call," 14 March 2005, International edition).
For further commentary, see: Stephan Richter, "The Real Newsweek Scandal," The Globalist (20 May 2005).
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘After the Double No: The EU’s Best Hope’, in: Boston Review, November/December 2005
Jan-Werner Muller, 'Joschka’s Journey’, in: Prospect, September 2005.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘L’ordre mondial selon Joschka Fischer’ Commentaire, No. 112 (Winter 2005-2006).
Christoph Cornelissen, "Der wiederaufestandene Kontinent: Harold James hat einen großen Essay zur Geschichte Europas im 20. Jahrhundert geschrieben," Die Zeit (19 August 2004).
Robert Hutchings, “X + 9/11.” Foreign Policy #143 (July/August 2004): 70-72.Robert Hutchings, “Looking over the Horizon: The Head of the US National Intelligence Council Assesses America’s Strategic Challenges.” YaleGlobal, 22 March 2004.
Sophie Meunier, "France's War on Intelligence", Foreign Policy, No. 143, July/August 2004.
Sophie Meunier, "Transatlantic Trade Issues", EUSA Review, Vol. 17, No. 2, Spring 2004.
Andrew Moravcsik, "It's the Job, Stupid: Europe and Global Leadership," Newsweek (December 2004, "Issues 2005" Special Davos Issue).
Andrew Moravcsik, "How the World Sees It," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 15 November 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe is the New Role Model for World," Financial Times (5 October 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe Takes Charge," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 5 July 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Europe's Slow Triumph," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 21 June 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Perils of Partnership," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 10 May 2004) (with Grzegorz Ekiert).
Andrew Moravcsik, "No Reverse Gear, Please" Newsweek (Atlantic Edition, 3 May 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "Commentary: European Defense," E!Sharp (Brussels, April 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, Renewing the Atlantic Partnership: Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (Henry A. Kissinger and Lawrence H. Summers, co-chairs) (2004)
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Myth of a European Leadership Crisis in an Era of Diminishing Returns," Challenge Europe (March-April 2004).
Responses by Kalypso Nicolaidis, Paul Magnette, and James Palmer.
Andrew Moravcsik, "One Year On: Lessons from Iraq," in Gustav Lindstrom and Burkard Schmitt, eds., One Year On: Lessons from Iraq (Chaillot Paper No. 68) (Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies, March 2004).
Andrew Moravcsik, "The Unsung Constitution," Prospect (March 2004).
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Supranational und ohne Leidenschaften’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 16th, 2004.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Europa als liberales Projekt’, in: Die Welt, August 6th, 2004.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Das bessere Europa, das schlechtere Amerika? Im Spiegelkabinett transatlantischer Wahrnehmungen’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 14th 2004n: Dissent (Spring 2004); also as ‘Le pouvoir des sentiments: l’euro-patriotisme en question’, in: La Vie des Idées, April/May 2004.
Tucker, Joshua A., “After Beslan: A Glimmer of Hope in Putin’s Power Grab,” International Herald Tribune, September 18-19, 2004, p.4. Translated into Russian and published online at ИноСМИ.Ru, September 20, 2004
Tucker, Joshua A., Guest on “Russia After Beslan: Putin’s Shake up of the Government,” Weekday, Seattle Public Radio (KUOW), September 23, 2004.
Harold James, "Better Luck Next Century," The Economist (13 November 2003).
Peter Kenen, "EU Accession and the Euro: Close Together or Far Apart?" Institute for International Economics Policy Brief (October 2003).
Sophie Meunier, "La France et ses contradictions", Le Figaro, 31 May 2003.
Sophie Meunier, "La gauche allegre...", Le Figaro, 28 January 2003.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Für Brüssel sterben? Europa und der Verfassungspatriotismus’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 5th, 2003.
Jan-Werner Muller, ‘Europe’s intellectuals need to quit playing the “identity game”,’ European Voice, July 10th, 2003.
Sophie Meunier, "Gare au Double Langage!", Le Figaro, 4-5 May 2002.
Sophie Meunier, “Mondialisation: le prix du silence”, Sud-Ouest, 27 April 2002.
Harold James, "All too Familiar: The End of Globalization by Harold James," The Economist (27 September 2001).